battle cries

美 [ˈbætl kraɪz]英 [ˈbætl kraɪz]
  • n.(尤指政治的)战斗口号,口号;(战斗中的)呐喊助威,喊杀声
  • battle cry的复数
battle criesbattle cries

battle cries


  • 1
    N-COUNT (用于鼓励人们支持某项事业或运动的)口号,战斗口号
    A battle cry is a phrase that is used to encourage people to support a particular cause or campaign.

    Their battle-cry will be: 'Sign this petition before they sign away your country.'


  • 2
    N-COUNT (战斗时的)呐喊,喊杀声
    A battle cry is a shout that soldiers give as they go into battle.

  1. The battle cries filled all with dread ?


  2. She has hounded me with these battle cries since I was a boy in short pants .


  3. That day , the crowd roared with excitement as the horsemen on the field bellowed their battle cries and jostled for the carcass in a cloud of dust .


  4. In Japan , Square Enix is having Aya 's voice actress change the tone of her battle shouts and cries based off the costume .
